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By Ashley Bradshaw, MS, RDN, LDN
Founder, Lead Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Coach, RYT 200

As you settle upon this message I invite you to (read and then 😉) softly close your eyes and take a nourishing, full breath in through your nose, and a soft, releasing sigh out your mouth, ahhhhhhh. Feel this moment of peace after the events of the past month. Feel that peaceful sensation of the breath and of being present with the moment and settle into your being. 

If you followed along with our December YOU Yoga Calendar you placed effort in simply being a little more present and connected with how you are feeling physically, mentally and emotionally… and honoring it, rather than ignoring it or pushing it down or pushing through it. All in a subtle effort to create moments and space to recognize the shift to winter and moving inward.

As you begin to surface from the holidays you may become more attune with the new season that unfolded during the holidays. 

The winter season represents yin qualities of slowness, reflection, and restoration, yet this season also marks the return of light. The days start to get longer again. 

For now it is essential we honor the darkness and the movement inward. 

Into hibernation. 

The energy of winter is deep and potent. The cold and darkness of the season encourages us to slow down. 

Are you listening? 

There may be an underlying drive to ramp up after taking time off during the holidays and to start the new calendar year “going strong.”

Be mindful of this my friend. If we look deeper we may find strength lies elsewhere in the winter months. 

Slowing down creates opportunities for a meditative space of rest, restoration and of peace that is essential for this season.

With rest, there is often naturally work going on within ourselves of deep thought and reflection. This is a time of self-discovery and self-healing as deep thought and reflection invites us to connect with the core of our being and untouched emotions, returning to peace. As we move within deeper and deeper we can process and transmute what we come across to move beyond it. To create space to simply be with what is and act as the witness to it. From here we can truly settle into the depths of the season. To resting within. 

From there we enter into the intention of this month’s Winter Yoga with the Seasons Calendar 🕊️ PEACE. 

Feeling at PEACE with what is, with who you are, with where you are. 

Feeling the PEACEfulness in the natural quiet and introspection that comes with winter. 

This meditative space of rest and restoration is essential for conserving and replenishing our physical, mental and emotional energy. This then gives us the needed energy, vision, and purpose to emerge into spring – a season of growth, renewal of spirit, and fresh starts. Ready for the planting of new seeds.

It is essential to replenish your resources that have been used throughout the year and this is the season to do just that. 

It is essential that you take this time to pause and reflect so that our forward motion may be filled with intention as the light returns and we plant new seeds in the springtime.

winter yoga


  • Receive your free, clickable PDF of the winter yoga calendar here.
  • 5 yoga practices are shared each week with all but 1 video available on our Awakened Actions | A2B2 YouTube channel. We have designed this calendar so that each week builds upon the last working towards the monthly intention!
    • To get instant access to all practices on the calendar, click here and become a Level 1 Awakened Member!
  • Guided meditation practices are included for each week to incorporate at your pleasure into your weekly yoga ritual.
  • Incorporate these videos into your current fitness and self care routine. Use this as a way to support you on your journey to the happier, healthier you.
  • You may find this helpful to bring intention to each week, where you may have felt a little lack in focus before. It provides guidance in tending to, and deepening, your mind-body connection.
  • Are you ready to dive deeper into your self-care routine with a daily yoga practice?!? Our monthly Yoga Training Plans outline a daily yoga practice! This is included in our Level 3 Awakened Membership for just $7.99/mo. PLUS you will get access to 300+ exclusive members only practices (not featured on our free YouTube Channel). Click here to learn more and get all the amazing benefits of the become a Level 3 Member!

I hope this calendar supports you in finding a calm, balanced body and mind throughout the month and with each season.

I’ll meet you on the mat!

From My Heart to Yours,


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